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Thursday, April 4, 2019

My Favorite Chocolate Haul

Hi guys! I'm here again to share something interesting to all of you. 

I know when I say the word "CHOCOLATE" it means yummy, tasty, delicious and definitely everyone's love. Chocolates are not only for deserts, they have health benefits too but we have to eat it in moderation. Just like me, I'm a literally a sweet tooth person but sometimes I have to avoid eating it. I'm a singer by profession so I can only eat chocolates when I don't have singing engagements.

Today I'm not just sharing you few variants of my favorite chocolates in random order. 

The best thing with these chocolates is that they are FREE! Yes! It's a treat from my brother who just arrived from a trip. Special mention to this humongous Meiji Chocolates. such an Instagramable piece. 🤩🤩🤩

I honestly prefer for chocolates with almonds, nut, fruits, or anything mixed to it for an added flavor and crunchiness but all in all, chocolate is chocolate! Still special. Plain or with almonds!

I hope you can share your favorite chocolates too! Till next time!

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